Our interdisciplinary lab is composed of 3 research groups that develop state-of-the-art projects within their specific field and share their complementary expertise within joint projects.
The development of 3D imaging/optical techniques and subsequent computational approaches allows novel ways of monitoring the growth of 3D cell cultures at large scale, with high resolution and in a harmless label-free manner.
Led by Amaury Badon (click here)
The use of soft matter physics concepts and experimental approaches to investigate self-organization and dynamics of growing engineered tissues allows novels ways to decipher emergent properties and mechanosensitive responses of cellular assemblies.
Led by Pierre Nassoy (click here)
The design, engineering and manufacture of microfabricated devices allows novel ways of manipulating cells, building self-assembled tissues, applying external biomechanical cues and imaging them for quantitative investigations.
Led by Gaëlle Recher (click here)